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MySQL Replication Slave Control shell script

I set up a replication slave at our office to a MySQL server running at our colo and the master server is pretty busy. So busy that even with the compressed protocol option turned on the stream was taking a good 60-70 kbps out of the available bandwidth of our T1. Since it isn’t critical that this data be real-time slaved, I made a small shell script that can take parameters for starting and stopping either the sql or io threads:

#!/bin/sh -

SCRIPT="/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u$USER -p$PASSWD -e "

StartService ()
    case $1 in
      sql  ) $SCRIPT "START SLAVE SQL_THREAD"   ;;
      io   ) $SCRIPT "START SLAVE IO_THREAD"    ;;
      *      ) echo "$0: unknown Start argument: $1";;

StopService ()
    case $1 in
      sql  ) $SCRIPT "STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD"   ;;
      io   ) $SCRIPT "STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD"    ;;
      *      ) echo "$0: unknown Stop argument: $1";;

CheckCommand ()
    case $1 in
      start  ) StartService "$2"   ;;
      stop   ) StopService "$2"    ;;
      *      ) echo "$0: unknown argument: $1";;

CheckCommand "$1" "$2"

I can call this like so: start io stop sql

I setup a couple of crontab entries, one to start the io thread at 8pm and one to stop the io thread at 6AM.

The sql thread will always be running.

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